Becoming Our Best


Recently I was with a group of clients in a family business setting. As we began what could have been a bitter meeting, the elder said, "Please leave your egos at the door. If you can do that, we will get great results today". He was right. In my experience, when the ego is engaged, it stands between us and the challenges at hand, diverting us from the most effective course of action.

So how do we deal with this sometimes-unruly part of each of us, the ego? Here are a few tips which may help:

•  Learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy ego involvement. We can't be everyone's door mat; and we can't always be king or queen of the hill. Find the balance point.

•  Look at a challenge objectively. What is best for my organization and my team? Then look at the positives and negatives for you.

•  Ask your peers and subordinates for constructive feedback about the way your ego has been engaged in specific instances.

•  Instant anger toward an individual is many times a sign of unhealthy ego surfacing. Try to separate the irritating person from the problem at hand.

•  The opposite of an unhealthy ego is true humility. Great leaders have it. It requires excellent listening and real patience to learn.

We live in a culture which gives us permission to shout, "Me first! Do it my way! You're wrong and I'm right!" It may be counter-cultural to harness your ego, but it will produce great results for you and your team.

Author: Bruce Johnsen Management Consultant:
824 Munras Ave Suite G
Monterey, CA 93940

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